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Investment Due Diligence Center

In order to choose the right OCIO (Outsourced Chief Investment Officer), you need to find a trusted partner that complements your organization. Our resources and experts can help guide you through the due diligence process.

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Due Diligence Center

The OCIO Toolkit

Our Toolkit examines the reasons organizations hire outsourced chief investment officers and suggests best practices in launching a search for the right OCIO partner that fits your organization.

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Constructing Your RFP

To help identify OCIO providers that can help meet your organization’s goals, it’s helpful to submit an RFP. We’ve put together sample questions to consider as you create an RFP in your search for an investment manager.

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Understanding OCIO Costs

Cost is a significant consideration when considering an OCIO. It’s important to have transparency when it comes to potential fees. We’ve provided a general overview of what your organization can expect from various types of investment models when it comes to fees.

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Considerations for Evaluating an OCIO

Many investment consultants, banks and small wealth management firms offer OCIO services. If you are considering the OCIO model instead of the self-management or investment consultant model, our “T” test may help your organization evaluate potential OCIO providers. 

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What is an OCIO?
An “outsourced chief investment officer” (or OCIO) serves as a comprehensive fiduciary partner that provides investment solutions to an organization, such as managing a nonprofit’s endowment fund. They typically are delegated investment discretion and the corresponding fiduciary liability.
How can an OCIO help my organization?
Engaging with an OCIO may benefit your organization beyond investment returns, such as more time for investment committees to focus on their organization’s strategy and mission. The established governance structure can mitigate regulatory risk and address donor concerns about transparency. Accountability and fiduciary responsibilities are clearly defined at the outset through the creation of an investment policy statement (IPS).
How can a private foundation benefit from an external investment manager?
A private foundation may choose to outsource the management of their investments to an experienced and well-resourced investment manager who can assume the fiduciary responsibility of managing their endowment fund. An organization’s board of directors or investment subcommittee generally seeks an OCIO with deep resources and experience in managing asset pools with perpetual time horizons.

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